Gallbladder surgery in Orange County, CA is the standard treatment for chronic gallbladder inflammation and frequent gallstone attacks. Also known as cholecystectomy, the procedure is often prescribed for patients experiencing pain, inflammation, and other gallbladder complications. This organ is the body’s storehouse for bile, a substance that aids in the digestion of fatty foods. However, once removed from the body, the liver eventually compensates for the organ’s absence.
If you’ve been recently referred for gallbladder surgery in Orange County, CA, you should know that the procedure is often performed with laparoscopic technology. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery is a very safe and effective treatment for anyone in need of relief from the pain and discomfort of gallbladder disease.
Continue reading to learn why surgeons and patients prefer gallbladder surgery with laparoscopic technology.
What Is Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery?
Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, also known as laparoscopic cholecystectomy, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to remove the gallbladder. The procedure is performed through several tiny incisions in the abdomen, unlike a single large incision that’s used in open surgery. Instead of opening the abdomen, the surgeon uses a laparoscope with a camera on the end, to see inside the area and small surgical instruments to remove the gallbladder.
After removing the gallbladder, the surgeon seals the incisions with sutures, staples, or surgical glue. The patient is taken to a recovery room for post-operative observation for a few hours before being discharged home with pain medication and instructions on how to care for their wound and themselves throughout their recovery. Because there are smaller and fewer incisions, patients have less pain, faster recoveries, and fewer complications than with conventional gallbladder removal surgery. Patient recovery times differ, but most are well enough to resume their normal activities within a week or two.
What Are the Benefits of Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery in Orange County, CA?
Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that benefits both surgeons and patients.
- Laparoscopic surgery requires smaller incisions, so there is less pain and scarring.
- Quicker recovery because the incisions are smaller than those used for conventional gallbladder surgery. As a result, patients experience less postoperative malaise, pain, and discomfort and heal faster.
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has a lower risk of complications than traditional gallbladder surgery.
- Laparoscopic technology reduces the amount of blood loss during and after surgery, making the procedure less traumatic for patients.
- Laparoscopic procedures utilize a laparoscope, special surgical instruments, or a robotic assist surgical system that provides the surgeon with an enhanced view inside the patient’s abdomen to perform the procedure with greater clarity and precision.
- Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery in Orange County, CA doesn’t require patients to remain in the hospital or clinic overnight. Patients are medically cleared to go home on the same day to finish their recovery.
As beneficial as laparoscopic procedures are, some individuals may be better suited for traditional gallbladder surgery.
What Are the Risks of Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery?
Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery is a safe and effective procedure, but there are still some associated risks and complications.
- Infection can occur at the incision site or in the abdomen.
- Injury to the surrounding organs, such as the liver, bile ducts, and small intestine, during the surgery.
- Postoperative pain and discomfort are common after surgery. Before discharge home, patients receive pain medications and wound care instructions to alleviate any discomfort.
- Nausea and vomiting are often due to patient sensitivity to the medications used during the procedure. These symptoms are temporary and manageable with antiemetics.
- In extremely rare cases, Dr. Khosravi may decide to finish the operation with conventional practices instead of laparoscopic techniques. This is usually due to unforeseen complications and is determined on a case-by-case basis to protect the patient.
To avoid complications after gallbladder surgery, patients should discuss their unique risks with Dr. Khosravi beforehand and inform him of any issues or concerns they have during recovery.
Are There Alternatives to Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery?
Although highly preferred by patients and surgeons alike, laparoscopic gallbladder surgery in Orange County, CA is not ideal for everyone. Some gallbladder problems do not require immediate treatment, but regular checkups are necessary to monitor patients to avoid complications. But, in many cases, surgery is eventually necessary for relief.
Below are alternative treatments to laparoscopic surgery for individuals experiencing gallbladder problems.
Medications to dissolve gallstones and relieve pain are often prescribed for those with mild symptoms and those who are not good candidates for surgery.
Dietary changes can help alleviate some gallbladder disease symptoms. A diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, low-fat dairy foods, and beans is recommended. Patients should avoid processed meats, sodas, and sugary, fried, and fatty foods.
Losing excess weight to prevent obesity is also beneficial in lowering the likelihood of gallbladder problems in at-risk individuals.
Percutaneous cholecystostomy is prescribed for patients experiencing problems with bile drainage but unable to have surgery. The procedure involves the insertion of a tube through the skin and into the gallbladder to drain bile.
Open gallbladder surgery is the traditional method of gallbladder removal. It is recommended in cases where laparoscopic surgery is not feasible. Open gallbladder surgery is more traumatic because it requires a large incision across the abdomen. Patients have more pain, bleeding, post-operative discomfort, and longer healing times. Traditional cholecystectomy also has a higher risk of complications for patients.
It’s important to note that the best alternative treatment option for you will depend on the specific condition of your gallbladder and your individual health and preferences. Therefore, it’s important to discuss all the options with your surgeon so you can make a decision that you feel is best for your situation.
Gallbladder treatment and surgery recommendations are tailored to the individual needs of each patient. To learn if you qualify for laparoscopic gallbladder surgery or of suitable alternative treatments for your situation, contact Orange County Robotic General Surgery to schedule a consultation with Dr. Abtin Khosravi, MD. Call us today at (714) 541-4996!
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To find out if inguinal hernia repair surgery is right for you, Contact Orange County General Robotic Surgery at (714) 706-1257 for a consultation with Dr. Abtin H. Khosravi.