Most methods of hernia repair surgery involve the use of surgical mesh, which is a thin, woven material made out of synthetic materials or animal tissue. During the procedure, a hernia doctor in Los Alamitos will make an incision near the location of the hernia and then proceed to push the protruding tissue back into place. The hernia mesh is then placed across the injury to help strengthen the surgery site and reduce the risk of the hernia recurring.
Although the use of hernia mesh is usually considered safe and effective in hernia treatment, it occasionally leads to complications. This article explores the pros and cons of seeing a hernia mesh repair doctor in Los Alamitos.
Pros of Hernia Mesh Repair
1. Reduced Risk of Recurrence
One of the main reasons surgical mesh is often used for hernia repair surgery is because it reduces the risk of a hernia recurring. Hernia repair doctors in Los Alamitos apply surgical mesh over an opening using staples or sutures, which allows the mesh to fuse into the patient’s abdominal wall over time. As a result, the abdominal wall is stronger than it was prior to the surgery, making a hernia less likely to reoccur in the same area. In fact, studies show that there is a 50% reduction in hernia recurrence when surgical mesh is utilized during groin hernia repairs versus when it is not used at all.
2. Faster Recovery Time
The use of surgical mesh in hernia repair also offers faster recovery times and much less post-procedure pain and discomfort. While the surgery itself may take more time when surgical mesh is used, the strength and structure created from the mesh help promote quicker healing. Alternatively, repairs that don’t use any mesh at all may result in a shorter procedure but can lead to longer recovery times.
3. Potential for Less Invasive Surgery
While most types of surgical mesh are extremely beneficial for mending smaller hernias, it’s much harder to find a mesh material that works effectively for larger hernias. Smaller hernias can also be repaired using less invasive procedures, such as laparoscopic hernia repair. Patients with smaller, less severe hernias are more likely to qualify for less invasive hernia repair procedures than those with larger, more complex ones. Minimally invasive hernia mesh repair means less pain and discomfort post-operatively and a lower hernia recurrence rate.
Cons of Hernia Mesh Repair
Risk and Complications
Although there are many benefits of hernia mesh repair, there are also several potential downsides associated with this method.
- Infection is a common side effect of surgery. It occurs in approximately 8% of hernia repair patients. Bear in mind hernia mesh repair patients have a slight, elevated risk of infection for several years after surgery. Individuals with certain health issues, such as obesity or diabetes, are also more likely to experience infection.
- Another potential complication is mesh migration. This occurs when the mesh’s composition inhibits healthy tissue growth surrounding the surgical site. The mesh may also shrink after the procedure, pulling on the surrounding tissue that it’s attached to, resulting in chronic pain.
- Hernia mesh repair can also cause adhesion. This complication happens when scar tissue begins to grow around the mesh and bonds itself to the implant and other organs. Further issues, such as obstructions of the patient’s bowels and chronic pain, can occur because of adhesion.
- Surgical mesh can lead to adverse reactions within the body, such as post-operative hematoma and seroma. Hematoma refers to an accumulation of blood inside of the wound, and seroma is a collection of clear fluids inside of the wound. These are both common post-operative complications that often resolve on their own. Treatment from a hernia doctor in Los Alamitos is necessary for rare cases that require further medical intervention.
- Foreign body reactions occur when the body rejects the surgical mesh (foreign) material. This process triggers an inflammatory response as immune cells try to degrade the material. Similarly, a patient could experience mesh rejection from their hernia repair, which happens when their body attempts to get rid of the mesh. If mesh rejection is left untreated, it can create serious health complications like chronic pain and bowel obstruction.
Cost and Accessibility
Hernia mesh repair is more expensive than non-mesh repair, which may be a barrier for some patients. There are various factors to consider in regard to the complete cost of hernia mesh repair in Los Alamitos, such as insurance, anesthesia, medical provider expenses, etc.
Mesh Hernia Repair in Los Alamitos vs Alternative Hernia Repair Procedures
For a non-mesh repair, a hernia doctor in Los Alamitos will use tissue directly from the patient’s body to mend the hernia. This minimizes the complication risk associated with conventional hernia mesh repair surgery. However, there is a higher rate of hernia recurrence with non-mesh repairs. Patients who undergo non-mesh repair may also experience a longer and more painful recovery period compared to those who undergo hernia mesh repair.
Several factors must be considered when choosing between non-mesh and hernia mesh repair, such as the patient’s current health status or preexisting conditions, the size and kind of hernia being repaired, and the overall cost of the procedure. Patients should discuss all of these points with a hernia doctor in Los Alamitos before proceeding with either option.
Informed decision-making is important, particularly when it comes to hernia repair. While the use of surgical mesh is common in hernia repair. It’s necessary for individuals to take the time to understand the pros and cons associated with different types of hernia repair treatments so they can weigh all of their options effectively. Though hernia mesh repair offers a reduced risk of recurrence and quicker recovery, complications are possible. Whereas, with non-mesh and alternative hernia treatments in Los Alamitos, post-operative risks are lower, but there’s a higher rate of hernia recurrence and the potential for a longer recovery period.
If you need to undergo hernia repair surgery and want to learn more about the benefits and drawbacks of seeing a hernia mesh repair doctor in the Los Alamitos area, contact Orange County Robotic General Surgery today to schedule a consultation with our hernia repair specialist, Dr. Abtin Khosravi, MD.
Contact Us
To find out if inguinal hernia repair surgery is right for you, Contact Orange County General Robotic Surgery at (714) 706-1257 for a consultation with Dr. Abtin H. Khosravi.